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Yobe Kamnyonya Boxing Record, Next Fight

2 min read
Yobe Kamnyonya

Yobe Kamnyonya

Yobe Kamnyonya
Yobe Kamnyonya photo

Fight Record (6 – 6 – 0 ) (0 KO’s)


bullet Yobe Kamnyonya is professional boxer from Malawi, Lilongwe with a boxing record of 6 win(s) 6 loss and 0 draw(s). He won 0 bout(s) by knocking out his opponent.
bullet He started fighting on year 2016. He was 32 years old that time.
bullet Fighting at Lightweight division.
bullet His last fight was on April 28, 2019 against Tinkhani Kamanga who has 2-6-1 record that time The boxing fight happened at M1 Centre Point , Lilongwe.

Unfortunately, Yobe Kamnyonya LOST that fight by .


Note: this boxing profile was last updated on March 28, 2020. If you find mistake in this profile, please help us by contacting us.

## Yobe Kamnyonya

**Personal Information**

Yobe Kamnyonya is a male amateur boxer hailing from Lilongwe, Malawi.

**Boxing Career**

Kamnyonya’s boxing career spanned from 2016 to 2019, during which he competed in the light division. Throughout his career, he accumulated a win-loss record of 6-6-0, with no knockouts.

**Last Opponent**

Kamnyonya’s last opponent was Tinkhani Kamanga, whom he faced on April 28, 2019, at the M1 Centre Point in Lilongwe. Kamnyonya sustained a loss via split decision (SD) in this bout.

Yobe Kamnyonya

Yobe Kamnyonya is a Malawian boxer who was active from 2016 to 2019. He competed in the light division and had a win-loss record of 6-6-0, with no knockouts (KOs). His last opponent was Tinkhani Kamanga, whom he lost to by split decision (SD) at M1 Centre Point in Lilongwe on April 28, 2019.

Kamnyonya, who is male and from Lilongwe, Malawi, began his amateur boxing career in 2016. Throughout his four years of activity, he participated in various competitions, accumulating a record of 6 wins, 6 losses, and 0 draws. Despite his consistent efforts, he was unable to secure any KOs during his career.

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February 2025