Erick Deztroyer photo Fight Record (13 - 5 - 1 ) (3 KO's) Erick Deztroyer is a professional boxer from...
Indonesia, Surabaya
Julio De la Basez photo Fight Record (21 - 24 - 8 ) (12 KO's) Julio De la Basez is...
Robert Kopa photo Fight Record (14 - 9 - 3 ) (4 KO's) Robert Kopa with the nickname of "Robert...
Tommy Seran photo Fight Record (28 - 18 - 0 ) (16 KO's) Tommy Seran is a professional boxer from...
Primus Lopo photo Fight Record (3 - 5 - 0 ) (2 KO's) Primus Lopo with the nickname of "The...
Yacob Ton photo Fight Record (5 - 14 - 1 ) (3 KO's) Yacob Ton is professional boxer from Indonesia,...
Pieter Nesi photo Fight Record (6 - 9 - 1 ) (2 KO's) Pieter Nesi is professional boxer from Indonesia,...
Anthony Pangalila photo Fight Record (1 - 4 - 0 ) (0 KO's) Anthony Pangalila is professional boxer from Indonesia,...