Renata Rakoczi photo Fight Record (2 - 1 - 0 ) (0 KO's) Renata Rakoczi is pro kickboxer from Hungary,...
Hungary, Szeged
photo is a professional boxer from with a boxing record of win(s) loss and draw(s). Note: this boxing...
Zoltan Csala photo Zoltan Csala aka "Furioso" is a professional boxer from Szeged, Hungary with a boxing record of 12...
Kinga Magyar photo Kinga Magyar is professional boxer from Szeged, Hungary with a boxing record of 9 win(s) 4 loss...
Richard Baba photo Fight Record (4 - 7 - 0 ) (2 KO's) Richard Baba is professional boxer from Hungary,...
Bianka Nagy photo Fight Record (2 - 3 - 0 ) (2 KO's) Bianka Nagy is a professional boxer from...
Sasa Gredeljevic photo Fight Record (1 - 1 - 0 ) (1 KO's) Sasa Gredeljevic is professional boxer from Hungary,...
Andor Filo photo Fight Record (2 - 4 - 0 ) (1 KO's) Andor Filo is a professional boxer from...
Csaba Dein photo Fight Record (0 - 8 - 0 ) (0 KO's) Csaba Dein is a professional boxer from...