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Roland Ndaya Lemba Next Fight, Boxing Record

2 min read
Roland Ndaya Lemba

Roland Ndaya Lemba

Roland Ndaya Lemba
Roland Ndaya Lemba photo

Fight Record (0 – 1 – 0 ) (0 KO’s)


bullet Roland Ndaya Lemba is a professional boxer from South Africa with a boxing record of 0 win(s) 1 loss and 0 draw(s). He won 0 fight(s) by way of knockout.
bullet He began fighting on year 2019.
bullet Fighting at Cruiserweight division.

Note: this boxing profile was last updated on March 28, 2020. If you find mistake in this profile, please help us by contacting us.

Roland Ndaya Lemba

Roland Ndaya Lemba is a male boxer from South Africa who competed as an amateur in 2019. He fought in the cruiserweight division, recording a win-loss record of 0-1-0. Lemba’s one win came via knockout.

Roland Ndaya Lemba

Roland Ndaya Lemba is a male amateur boxer from South Africa. He was active in the sport from 2019 to 2019, competing in the cruiserweight division.

Lemba’s professional record stands at 0 wins, 1 loss, and 0 draws, with no knockouts. However, it should be noted that his record only includes his professional bouts and does not account for any amateur fights or exhibitions.

**Roland Ndaya Lemba**

**Participant Details**

Gender: Male
Nationality: South Africa
Years Active: 2019-2019
Division: Cruiser

**Boxing Record**

Roland Ndaya Lemba’s professional boxing record consists of one fight, with no wins or losses. He has not scored any knockouts.

## Roland Ndaya Lemba

Roland Ndaya Lemba is an amateur boxer from South Africa. He was active in 2019-2019, competing in the cruiserweight division.

**Amateur Career**

Lemba’s amateur boxing career is limited, with a record of 0-1-0. He has no known knockouts.

Roland Ndaya Lemba

Roland Ndaya Lemba is a South African amateur boxer who competes in the cruiserweight division. His amateur career spanned from 2019 to 2019, during which he accumulated a win-loss record of 0-1-0, with no knockouts.

Personal Information

Roland Ndaya Lemba is a male boxer. His nationality is South Africa. He is 23 years old, born on June 17, 1999. His hometown is Johannesburg, South Africa.

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February 2025