Nikolay Kharankhoev profile, latest fight
1 min readNikolay Kharankhoev is amateur boxer from Ulan-Ude, Russia with a boxing record of 7 win(s) 10 loss and 0 draw(s). | |
Born on August 3, 1997 with the birth name Николай Сырен-Доржиевич Харанхоев. | |
Fighting at Light Flyweight division. | |
He started fighting on year 2015. He was 18 years old that time. | |
His last fight was on November 28, 2020 against Artur Mukhtarov who has 3-2-0 boxing record that time. The boxing fight took place at Orenburg.
Nikolay Kharankhoev LOST the bout by Unanimous Decision. |
Note: this boxing profile was last updated on December 30, 2020. If you find mistake in this profile, please help by contacting us.
## Nikolay Kharankhoev
Nikolay Kharankhoev, born on August 3, 1997, is a male amateur boxer from Russia, specifically from the city of Ulan-Ude. He began his boxing career in 2015 and remained active until 2019.
During his active years, Kharankhoev fought in the light fly division, compiling a record of 6 wins, 7 losses, and no knockout victories. His last opponent was Andrey Potemkin, whom he faced on November 12, 2019, in Samara. Kharankhoev lost this match by majority decision (MD).