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Mbuyiseli Ndukwana Boxing Record, Next Fight

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Mbuyiseli Ndukwana

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana
Mbuyiseli Ndukwana photo

Fight Record (1 – 0 – 0 ) (1 KO’s)


bullet Mbuyiseli Ndukwana is professional boxer from South Africa, Western Cape, Knysna with a boxing record of 1 win(s) 0 loss and 0 draw(s). He won 1 bout(s) by way of knockout.
bullet He began fighting on year 2019. He was 23 years old that time.
bullet Fighting at Super Lightweight division.

Note: this boxing profile was last updated on March 28, 2020. If you find mistake in this profile, please help us by contacting us.

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana is a male amateur boxer from South Africa. He represents the Western Cape province and hails from the town of Knysna. Ndukwana’s boxing career began and ended in 2019.

Competing in the super light division, Ndukwana holds an undefeated record of 1 win and 0 losses. Notably, he has secured 1 knockout victory during his brief boxing tenure.

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana is an amateur boxer representing South Africa’s Western Cape region, specifically the town of Knysna. His boxing career spanned a brief period from 2019 to 2019.

Ndukwana competed in the super light division during his time in the ring. His professional record stands at 1 win and 0 losses, with an impressive 100% knockout rate. Despite his brief tenure in the sport, he managed to secure a respectable number of victories through his exceptional punching power.

**Mbuyiseli Ndukwana**

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana is a male amateur boxer from the Western Cape province of South Africa. He hails from the town of Knysna. Ndukwana was active in boxing during the year 2019, competing in the super light division.

**Win-Loss Record**

Throughout his amateur boxing career, Mbuyiseli Ndukwana has achieved an impressive win-loss record of 1-0-0, with all of his victories coming by way of knockout. This undefeated record showcases Ndukwana’s power and determination in the ring.

## Mbuyiseli Ndukwana

Mbuyiseli Ndukwana is a male amateur boxer from Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa. He was active from 2019 to 2019 and competed in the super light division.

During his brief boxing career, Ndukwana recorded an impressive 1-0-0 win-loss-draw record. He showcased his power by securing a knockout (KO) victory in his only professional bout. Unfortunately, there is limited information available regarding his specific achievements or any notable fights during his short time as a boxer.

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February 2025