Sun. Feb 9th, 2025


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Matias Hamunyela Next Fight, Boxing Record

3 min read
Matias Hamunyela

Matias Hamunyela

Matias Hamunyela
Matias Hamunyela photo

Fight Record (1 – 0 – 0 ) (0 KO’s)


bullet Matias Hamunyela is professional boxer from Namibia, Windhoek with a boxing record of 1 win(s) 0 loss and 0 draw(s). He won 0 fight(s) by way of knockout.
bullet He was born on October 15, 1992 with the birth name Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela.
bullet He began fighting on year 2019. He was 27 years old that time.
bullet He stands 5′ 3″ or 160cm tall. Fighting at Flyweight division. He has an orthodox boxing style.

Note: this boxing profile was last updated on March 28, 2020. If you find mistake in this profile, please help us by contacting us.


Matias Hamunyela**

**Full Name:** Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela

**Personal Information:**

* Gender: Male
* Birthdate: October 15, 1992 (Age 27)
* Height: 5′ 3″

**Boxing Career:**

* Nationality: Namibian, from Windhoek
* Stance: Orthodox
* Years Active: 2019-2019
* Division: Flyweight
* Win-Loss Record: 1-0-0 with 0 KOs

**Matias Hamunyela**

Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela is an amateur boxer from Namibia, born on October 15, 1992. At 27 years of age, he stands at a height of 5′ 3″. His orthodox stance and brief professional career of 2019-2019 saw him compete in the flyweight division.

**Professional Record**

During his short boxing career, Hamunyela compiled a perfect 1-0-0 record, with zero knockouts. He remains undefeated in his professional endeavors.

Matias Hamunyela

Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela is a Namibian amateur boxer born on October 15, 1992. Standing at 5 feet 3 inches tall, he fights from an orthodox stance.

Hamunyela’s boxing career spanned from 2019 to 2019, competing in the flyweight division. His professional record consists of one win, no losses, and zero knockouts. He hails from Windhoek, the capital of Namibia.

Matias Hamunyela

Full name: Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela

Matias Hamunyela is a male amateur boxer born on October 15, 1992, in Windhoek, Namibia. Standing at 5’3″, he fights in the flyweight division and has been active from 2019 to 2019. Hamunyela holds an orthodox stance and has a professional record of 1 win and 0 losses, with 0 knockouts.

Matias Hamunyela

Matias Hamunyela is a Namibian amateur boxer born on October 15, 1992, in Windhoek. Standing at 5′ 3″, Hamunyela fights in the flyweight division and has an orthodox stance. With a win-loss record of 1-0-0, including 0 knockouts, Hamunyela has been active in the sport from 2019 to 2019.

## Matias Hamunyela

Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela is a former amateur boxer born on October 15, 1992, in Windhoek, Namibia. Standing at 5’3″, he fought in the orthodox stance and represented his country during his active years from 2019 to 2019.

During his brief boxing career, Hamunyela compiled a record of 1-0-0, earning a win in his only professional bout. Unfortunately, he did not record any knockout victories during his time in the ring.

## Matias Hamunyela

Full name: Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela

Matias Hamunyela is a Namibian amateur boxer born on October 15, 1992, in Windhoek. Currently 27 years old, Hamunyela stands at 5′ 3″ and fights in the orthodox stance. His boxing career spanned from 2019 to 2019, during which he fought and won one professional bout, without any knockouts.

## Matias Hamunyela

Matias Tulyoongeleni Hamunyela is a male amateur boxer from Namibia. Born on October 15, 1992, he is currently 27 years old. Standing 5 feet 3 inches tall, Hamunyela fights in the orthodox stance and has been active in the sport from 2019 to 2019.

Competing in the flyweight division, Hamunyela holds an impressive record of 1 win and 0 losses, with 0 knockouts. He represents his country of Namibia and hails from Windhoek. Despite his brief career, Hamunyela has demonstrated his skill and potential in the boxing arena.

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February 2025