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Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi Boxing Record, Next Fight

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Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi

Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi

Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi
Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi photo

Fight Record (7 – 13 – 1 ) (1 KO’s)


bullet Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi is professional boxer from South Africa, Limpopo with a boxing record of 7 win(s) 13 loss and 1 draw(s). He won 1 bout(s) by knocking out his opponent.
bullet He began fighting on year 2011 at age 32.
bullet Fighting at Super Lightweight division.
bullet His last fight was on October 6, 2019 against Kalela Kadumbu who has 2-1-0 boxing record that time. The boxing fight took place at Indoor Sports Centre, Mdantsane.

Unfortunately, Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi LOST this fight by Points.


Note: this boxing profile was last updated on March 28, 2020. If you find mistake in this profile, please help us by contacting us.

Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi

Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi is a former amateur boxer from Limpopo, South Africa. He was an active competitor from 2011 to 2019, competing in the super light division.

Netshamutshedzi’s win-loss record stands at 7 wins, 13 losses, and 1 draw. He has achieved 1 knockout victory. His last bout was on October 6, 2019, against Kalela Kadumbu at the Indoor Sports Centre in Mdantsane. The outcome of the fight was a loss via points.

Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi

Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi is a former amateur boxer from Limpopo, South Africa. He competed from 2011 to 2019 in the super light division. During his career, Netshamutshedzi fought a total of 21 matches, recording 7 wins, 13 losses, and 1 draw. He secured one knockout victory throughout his career.

Netshamutshedzi’s last bout took place on October 6, 2019, at the Indoor Sports Centre in Mdantsane. He faced Kalela Kadumbu and lost the match via points (PTS) decision.

## Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi

Humvhulani Netshamutshedzi is a South African male boxer who was active in the ring from 2011 to 2019. Originally from the Limpopo province, he competed in the super light division.

During his career, Netshamutshedzi fought in a total of 21 matches, with a record of 7 wins, 13 losses, and 1 draw. He secured 1 knockout victory. His last bout was a loss against Kalela Kadumbu on October 6, 2019, at the Indoor Sports Centre in Mdantsane. The fight went the distance and ended with a points decision in favor of Kadumbu.

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February 2025