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Festo Chiboni Boxing Record, Next Fight

2 min read
Festo Chiboni

Festo Chiboni

Festo Chiboni
Festo Chiboni photo

Fight Record (2 – 7 – 0 ) (0 KO’s)


bullet Festo Chiboni is professional boxer from Tanzania with a boxing record of 2 win(s) 7 loss and 0 draw(s). He won 0 bout(s) by way of knockout.
bullet He was born on October 10, 1988 with the birth name Festo Keneth Chiboni.
bullet Fighting at Super Featherweight division.
bullet He began fighting on year 2016. He was 28 years old that time.
bullet His last fight was on August 31, 2019 against Mustapha Dotto Amrani who has 19-18-6 fighting record at that time. The boxing fight took place at White House Bar Kimara Korogwe, Dar-Es-Salaam.

Unfortunately, Festo Chiboni LOST this bout by Technical Knockout.


Note: this boxing profile was last updated on March 28, 2020. If you find mistake in this profile, please help us by contacting us.

## Festo Chiboni

Festo Chiboni, born on October 10, 1988, is a male amateur boxer from Tanzania. He was active in the super feather division from 2016 to 2019. During his career, he amassed a record of 2 wins, 7 losses, and 0 draws, without any knockouts.

Chiboni’s full name is Festo Keneth Chiboni. He last fought on August 31, 2019, against Mustapha Dotto Amrani at the White House Bar Kimara Korogwe in Dar-Es-Salaam. Unfortunately, he lost the bout via technical knockout.

Festo Chiboni

Festo Kenneth Chiboni, a male boxer born on October 10, 1988, hails from Tanzania. He was active as an amateur boxer from 2016 to 2019. Chiboni competed in the super featherweight division, boasting a win-loss record of 2-7-0, with no knockouts.

Chiboni’s last opponent was Mustapha Dotto Amrani, whom he faced on August 31, 2019, at White House Bar Kimara Korogwe in Dar-Es-Salaam. Unfortunately, Chiboni lost the match via TKO.

Festo Chiboni

Festo Chiboni, full name Festo Keneth Chiboni, is a male amateur boxer from Tanzania. Born on October 10, 1988, he has been active in the sport from 2016 to 2019.

Chiboni has competed in the super featherweight division, with a win-loss record of 2-7-0 and 0 knockouts. His last fight was on August 31, 2019, against Mustapha Dotto Amrani at White House Bar Kimara Korogwe in Dar-Es-Salaam, which he lost via TKO.

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February 2025